
Welcome to Low Cost Luxury! At first glance you may think that low cost and luxury are an unlikely pair, but I assure you they are Jim and Pam (from the office) perfect for each other. I love a great deal as much as anyone, but I also value nice things. This blog will celebrate just that, finding the perfect balance of inexpensive and quality.

I must tell you, if you’re expecting the focus to be on clipping coupons and info on how to fight for the best deal on Ebay, you will be greatly disappointed with this little bloggy. Instead, I will use this blog to chronicle my quest to combine my love for good quality items and knack for finding good deals through simple stories about my daily life.

I would imagine most of the posts to feature info on things I love such as: fashion, food, popular culture, television, and just living life to the fullest. Then again, some posts may be completely random and unable to be catorgized, that’s just how I do things.

Thanks for stopping by. Come back daily and remember, life is a luxury but it doesn’t have to come with a high price tag.