November 15, 2010

Cheap Fit

I think exercise is super important. It clears the mind, tightens the muscles, and it's just fun (most of the time). I've never been one to workout like a superhuman, often times settling for pilates or a nice walk around the mall neighborhood. Over the past year or two, I've realized I need more fitness in my life so I started searching. Obviously, I searched for low cost options. Aside from occasionally visiting the free fitness classes at my school gym or strolling through DeLand with the Biff I usually stick to the Internet to meet all of my fitness needs. There are TONS of free and beneficial fitness based websites! Here is my list of free fitness online goodies.

Workout Videos

  -The Health and Wellness Chanel features a bunch of workout vids as well as TV shows related to health and fitness. 

  -My new favorite thing. This site has hundreds of workout vids that you can search by category (I like "quick workouts"), type (free full length is best), or trainer (Megan Townsend, Cindy Whitmarsh, and Kendall Hogan are great).  They also offer one free workout plan a month, that gives you a specific workout each day. 

Online Fitness Magazines

   -This is a favorite of the Biff. The site is broken up just like the mag with sections devoted to fitness, weight loss, health, and yoga. All feature articles and workouts to try. 

  -I have a subscription to the mag and love it! On the site you can make your own personalized workout video, start a running/walking planner, or sign up for a free personal trainer. 

Other Helpers

   -I use this site nearly every day. It gives nutritional info for foods without labels like restaurant items and fresh foods. The site has a payment option, but the nutrition search engine is free. 

  -Allows you to track calories, exercise, etc. Sign up for free, set some goals, and keep track of it on this site. 

No need to pay a ton of money for a personal trainer or gym membership. Just go online, find a video, and work it out. 

Just workin' on muh fitness 

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